Blog Posts in category: analytics

Omnichannel: Not Just a Buzzword

If we are being honest as financial marketers, we will admit that the industry is currently rife with buzzwords. One of the most prominent buzzwords currently in circulation is “omnichannel”. I am here to tell you that omnichannel is not...

A Data Driven Approach to Profitable Growth

At Baker Hill, we spend a great deal of time helping our clients bring finance, marketing and sales together to create profitable growth. Our focus is not on building a balance sheet at the expense of income, but instead building...

Business Analytics is Part of the Full Lending Performance Cycle

On several occasions I’ve spoken about the “Full Lending Performance Cycle” (FLPC). This cycle is comprised of several steps aligned with the origination process and aftermath when evaluating a portfolio. One tool for evaluating the portfolio is business analytics. As...

Spoiler Alert (not really): Millennials Aren’t Going to the Branch

Millennials – the most digitally-savvy and computer-literate generation of our time – are opting for digital experiences over branch ones. This is not surprising and banks are taking note. While the branch may not go away, it is transforming. Some...

Are You Ready For Gen Z?

Millennials’ time in the spotlight is coming to a close as a new generation gains spending power and fiscal prominence. Gen Z, which includes individuals born between 1995 and 2012, is positioned to become the largest demographic of consumers by...

The Battle for Deposits: Firepower Through Data and Digital

Though it hasn’t gotten to the point of bankers begging kids to crack open their piggy banks, the battle for deposits is in full swing—and indeed, some banks have come out swinging. CEO Joe DePaolo of New York-based Signature Bank...
Posts 1-6 (of 24)