Blog Posts in category: CECL

7 Strategies for Achieving Balanced Loan Growth – Part 5

CECL as a Strategic Business Initiative In our last post in this series on lending strategies , we covered deal pricing and efficient loan origination. Today, we’re moving onto CECL and how it looks to shake up the banking...

Business Analytics is Part of the Full Lending Performance Cycle

On several occasions I’ve spoken about the “Full Lending Performance Cycle” (FLPC). This cycle is comprised of several steps aligned with the origination process and aftermath when evaluating a portfolio. One tool for evaluating the portfolio is business analytics. As...

Regulations Continue to Stay Top of Mind for Foreseeable Future

Nearly ten years after the financial crisis, the long shadow it has cast has started to fade – except with respect to regulations. From the new CECL standards to HMDA, compliance remains top of mind for bankers. In the...

Glancing Back and Looking to the Future in Banking 

As we wrap up 2019, I wanted to take a minute and look at some of the key items that changed banking and at the same time take a peek into 2020 (which depending on the economist you listen to,...

The Keys to Loan Segmentation Success

As any banker can appreciate, portfolio theory is worthy of a Nobel Prize , literally. In 1952, Harry Markowitz – a ll of 25 years old then – developed the paradigm that blew away Nobel judges and influenced countless financial...

What Can Be Learned From CECL Early Adopters…

As the advent of the CECL standard rapidly approaches and many financial institutions continue to contemplate the effects the standard will have on reserve balances, it may be helpful for them to glean what they can from the Q1 filings...
Posts 1-6 (of 24)