Posts by Mike Horrocks

Key Architectural Foundations for Today’s Modern Lending Technology

This weekend my youngest was mesmerized by a communication artifact of the past – my old flip phone. Somehow this flip phone had dodged the many trips to be upgraded, donated, or even just recycled in a tech disposal event....

Four Key Areas of Innovation That You Cannot Do Without

...and Other Lessons From Finovate Fall 2021 This week was a big event for New York City. New Yorkers saw the return Broadway theater and Bankers saw the return of one of the biggest events and banking that was...

Thank You for the Banking Disruption, COVID-19. Now Please Go Away.

This has been a year like no other for all of us. Many have dealt with extreme sadness due to loss from the pandemic. Everyone has had changes that required adapting or even cancelling, such as graduations, marriages, etc. For...

Are You Digitally Ready For What’s Next in Banking?

My youngest son just started Boys Scouts and he was asked to help his family prepare “ready bags” for first aid and other emergencies. For those not familiar with “ready bags” , the concept is that you put a few...

Stopping the Spread of Contagion In Banking During COVID-19 Pandemic

In early September 1900, a hurricane was devasting the islands of the Caribbean. Thankfully, the meteorologists in Cuba, who were recognized as the hurricane experts, had indicated that the storm would head up the coast to the Galveston Texas area...

The Keys to Portfolio Risk Management During a Pandemic

Business as usual, right? Wrong, unfortunately. Things have never been more different. However, you have a full portfolio of loans on the books and there is obviously a great deal of risk associated with those loans. So, the question...
Posts 1-6 (of 27)