Posts by John Robertson

Taking a Deposit Neutral Approach in Relationship Pricing

The flattened yield curve has created a perplexing scenario for credit being applied to deposits. Operating expenses for deposits on average differ significantly due to the activity and processes put into place to manage the transactions. Demand Deposit Accounts (DDA)...

Self-Assessment of Pricing and Monitoring Performance Levels

Financial institutions should be constantly monitoring themselves in terms of efficiencies when building a process flow in several critical areas. Focusing on pricing and portfolio management, these two areas act as checks and balances against the decision making embedded in...

Why Practice Systematic Loan and Relationship Pricing?

Financial institutions can be divided into two groups: those that are generally thorough and systematic about loan pricing, and those that are pricing on the back of a napkin. The obvious best approach unfolds when examining the best practices of...

Millennials From Y to Z

Having grown up as the third child of four, I was frequently accused of being the “favored” one because, unlike the others, I never got into trouble. Little did my siblings know, my “favored” status was a direct result observing...

Four Steps to Optimize the Impact of CECL on Profitability

Data, data, data. You have it, but now what? Financial institutions are being bombarded with the need for data in order to be in compliance once the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) regulatory changes using the Current Expected...

Hindsight is 20/20, but That’s Not Enough for CECL

The current expected credit loss standard (CECL) will require financial institutions book loan loss allowances for the life of the loan at the time of origination, and—if that changes over time—an institution’s income can take a hit. To accurately...
Posts 1-6 (of 11)